in Samara, average salary offers increased by 11% over the year – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06.21.2024 12:14 SAMARA. 21ST OF JUNE. LAST NEWS. Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter Avito Works experts studied the dynamics of average salary offers in large Russian cities for the period from spring 2023 to spring 2024. According to the results of the analysis, Krasnodar this spring became the leader in increasing the average salary for new employees. And in Samara, the proposed average salary increased by 11%. In Russia as a whole, the annual increase in average salary offers for new employees at full-time employment was 11%. On average, this spring they were ready to offer Russians 63,130 rubles. per month full time. It is important to note that the data provided is based on calculations of average salary offers for new specialists without taking into account bonuses, percentages of transactions/sales and other additional payments to employees. According to Avito Work, the most active increase in the average salary offered in the spring of 2024 occurred in Krasnodar – compared to the spring of last year, employers in this city began to offer new employees an average of 17% more. Candidates could expect an average offered salary of RUB 59,879. per month In Samara, the proposed average salary increased by 11% and amounted to 54,995 rubles. Average salary offers especially increased in the fields of law (+31%), sales (+27%) and construction (+25%). “Despite the fact that the salary race in the country is slowing, we continue to see a significant increase in average salary offers for new employees. This growth is due to a shortage of personnel and the development of certain areas in the regions.” comments Dmitry Puchkov, Managing Director of Avito Work. Last news

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