In Russia they want to introduce a scholarship in the amount of the minimum wage for students with children – News – the city of Ryazan on the city website

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Russia they want to introduce a scholarship in the amount of the minimum wage for students with children. It was proposed to include the payment in the national project “Family”, which begins on January 1, 2025. In Russia they want it. introduce a scholarship equal to the minimum wage for students with children. The Ministry of Education and Science reported that it was proposed to include the payment in the “Family” national project, which starts on January 1, 2025. It is assumed that fathers and mothers with a child of preschool age will be eligible for the scholarship. According to the ministry, 452 Russian universities already pay financial assistance to girls who give birth to a child during their studies. And in 347 universities there are single mothers or fathers. Now the minimum wage is 19,242 rubles per month.

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