In Russia, the number of users of investment applications increased by 20%

Residents of Russia have started using investment apps 20% more often. The attendance of the most popular ones has more than doubled. These are the results of a study conducted by Yota experts based on big data analysis for 2022 and 2023. Tinkoff Investments remains the market leader in terms of the number of users and traffic volume. Over the past year, the service’s audience has grown by a third, and mobile internet consumption in the app has increased by 11%. However, in terms of subscriber activity, it is surpassed by VTB My Investments, whose users spend an average of 5 times more traffic. However, Russians’ interest in most popular investment apps has increased. Gazprombank Investments became the leader in terms of dynamics, with its traffic increasing by 2.3 times over the year. Meanwhile, the mobile app traffic for “Svoboda 24” increased by 70%, and for “Alfa Capital” by 60%, however, some services saw a decrease in the number of users. For example, the audience of “VTB My Investments” decreased by 55% over the year, and “Open Investments” by 48%. These applications are used most frequently by people over 26 years old (87% of all users). The interest of younger users in investing is insignificant and even declining: the traffic generated by users between 16 and 25 years old decreased by 8% over the year. Investments attracted more male audience, accounting for 61% of users. However, in 2023, the traffic of the female audience increased by almost a quarter, while the male audience increased by only 9%. The app with the most active users is Gazprombank Investments. The top 5 regions in Russia with the highest number of investment app users include Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, and the Novosibirsk region. The North Caucasus region is experiencing the most growth in 2023: the number of users in Ingushetia increased by 79%, in Chechnya by 71%, in Dagestan by 69%, and in North Ossetia by 32%.2418 News about Bloknot-Taganrog

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Message In Russia, the number of users of investment applications increased by 20%

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