In Priluzye, the body of a missing local resident was found on the side of the road • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The body of a missing man was found in Priluzye. The emergency rescue team of the Priluzsky “Spas-Komi” State Emergency Committee completed the search on November 18. According to Komiinform, on November 15, 1962, a resident of Orys left his house on foot to buy groceries in the village of Noshul and stopped communicating. The man had to walk 10 km. The wife contacted 112. The information was transferred to the police, and the police turned to rescuers for help. The detachment went to the area of ​​the Noshul-Orys forest road, where local residents also conducted searches. They found the body of a man lying in a ditch on the side of the road. An investigation into the incident was conducted and the cause of death of the man was established.

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