In Polyarnye Zori, scammers deceived a teenage courier – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 13 08 2024, 13:09 | Photo SeverPost: SeverPost / Alexander Loginov In Polyarnye Zori, a 16-year-old pizza courier fell for a scam. As reported by the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the summer holidays, the teenager got a part-time job at one of the city’s pizzerias. Soon he received an order for pizza delivery through an app. When he arrived at the address specified in the order, it turned out that no one had ordered pizza. The young man called the buyer back, who apologetically explained that his circumstances had changed and asked him to deliver the pizza to work – to the police station. At the same time, the “client” asked the teenager to additionally buy a box of chocolates, gum, and also transfer 21 thousand rubles to the account he specified. The attacker assured that he would pay the guy as soon as he received the order. The misled courier fulfilled all the fraudster’s demands. However, upon arrival at the police station, it turned out that no one had ordered pizza there. Let us recall that the firefighters and guides extinguishing the wildfire on the Sredny Peninsula found themselves in a difficult situation. Read also: A pack of dogs disturbed the sleep of Kola residents To be the first to know about the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel. Vidyaevo has a new police chief The new chief of the Russian Internal Affairs Directorate for the closed administrative-territorial entity of the village of Vidyaevo, police major Ruslan Borisovich Yudin, was introduced to the police department staff. See you soon…→

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