In Perm, more than 270 apartment buildings were disconnected from hot water for more than two weeks.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The pressure testing had to be extended due to multiple defects in the networks. Perm residents continue to complain about long hot water outages during summer pressure testing. Thus, the T Plus company explained to the portal that before July 25, there were 217 apartment buildings in the city where hot water was turned off for more than two weeks during pressure testing. A day later, on July 26, there were already 271 such buildings. The company explained that exactly one year ago, on July 26, 2024, there were even more such buildings – 275. The portal asked T Plus to analyze the reasons for what happened. long hydraulic tests this season As explained in “This year, the company had 3 weeks less to complete the work due to the longer heating season.” However, the resource company assures that the schedule has already been built and is now following the original plan. Recall that earlier, residents of the Sadovy microdistrict (4.8 Uinskaya St.; 21 Yursha St.) contacted was without water for almost a month. The portal also asked T Plus to comment on the situation with the triple postponement of hot water supply. The company reported that additional teams were brought to the site to eliminate the defects, but refused to provide details. deadlines for completing the work “These works must be completed before the start of the 2024-2025 heating season,” the resource organization explained. We will add that in Perm, heating usually begins in mid- to late September, depending on average statistical indicators. The mayor also commented on the air temperature about the situation with long-term hydraulic tests. In response to’s request, the administration responded: “Information about the reasons and terms of restriction (suspension) of the provision of utilities can be found in administrative organizations, as well as in housing and communal services departments. Housing and communal services and housing and communal relations from the administration of your district Earlier, named the district of Perm whose residents lived the longest without hot water this summer.

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