In Perm, a two-story building next to the Orlyonok sports palace will be renovated

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The facade and roof of the building will be repaired. The State Inspectorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Perm Territory has given permission to carry out work to preserve the cultural heritage of regional significance “Residential building of S.M. Alekseev”. Sibirskaya Street, 49 next to the Orlyonok Sports Palace. According to the permit, the work should be completed by the end of December of this year. Built in the late 19th century, the building is a two-story stone house. At first, it belonged to the Perm merchant Safron Mikhailovich Alekseev, was bought by a farmer, and then by another master Shleme-Bentsion Faivishevich. In 1918, the building was used for communal housing. During the Civil War, the house was seriously damaged, built in 1928 and built in 1928. continued to be used for housing Konstantin Mikhailovich Mitskevich (Yakub Kolas), a popular poet of Belarus, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. The building is currently privately owned and used as an office center.

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