In March there is now a complete ban: new rules for everyone who has a summer house and a vegetable garden

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Since 2024, new rules have been in force in Russia limiting the time spent at dachas and country houses. According to these rules, summer residents can only stay on their plots from April 1 to October 1. However, if your individual residential building is equipped with all the necessary amenities and communications, you can live in it all year round. On the other hand, the situation is different for ordinary country houses. Usually they are not used in winter and all systems are turned off during this period. Therefore, living in a country house all year round is prohibited and in winter you will not be allowed to connect utilities. However, you can still visit your country house outside the established period, but you will probably not be able to fully use it. New rules have been introduced to regulate occupancy in country houses and country houses, as well as to define clearer criteria for individual residential houses and country houses in terms of communications and landscaping. If you have specific questions or concerns about these rules, it is recommended that you contact local authorities or legal advisers for more detailed information and specific advice.

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