In Kursk, each new Leon tram was marked with a name chosen by the townspeople.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Kursk, each of the new Lev trams received a name as a result of a vote of citizens. “Veterok”, “Nightingale”, “In memory of the Kursk soldiers on the front line”, “Timonya”, “Ermoshka”, “Petrovich” and “Kurenok” provided passengers with comfort. More than 9 thousand Kurdish residents voted on the official page of Governor Roman Starovoyt on the social network VKontakte. One of the trams was named “Sonechka” in honor of the first passenger, a two-year-old girl. Let us remind you that on March 1, traffic was launched on the first tram route “KPK JSC – Bread Factory” in Kursk. The modernization of urban electric transport became possible thanks to the ongoing joint program of the Government of Russia and VEB.RF, as well as the national project “Safe Quality Roads”. Photo: Government of the Kursk region

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