In Klin, under an agreement with SPIEF, a complex for the elimination of natural gas will be built

Posting in CHAT: Russia

“The company has begun construction of a natural gas liquefaction complex in Klin. The volume of investments will amount to more than 3.4 billion rubles. The first stage of production is planned to be put into operation in the second half of 2025. More than 90 jobs will appear at the enterprise,” Zinovieva said, “the products can be used as fuel for buses, agricultural and municipal equipment. This issue is being considered in the Moscow region. Firstly, the economic feasibility of replacing diesel fuel and the cost of re-registration. analysis of equipment and purchase of gas buses Earlier in St. Petersburg, the bus fleet was converted to liquefied gas, which led to a reduction in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and an improvement in the environmental situation in the city “We plan to produce liquefied natural gas for use as gas motor fuel. The project’s capacity will be about 50 thousand tons per year,” said Alexander Azarenko, the enterprise could become the largest producer of liquefied natural gas. in the Central Federal District market by 2026. market share is about 50.% The Moscow region is always especially prepared for the PEMF, where the culmination of the work done over the year takes place and important agreements are signed. Governor Andrei Vorobyov spoke about the region’s tasks at the economic forum. News from the Moscow region can be discussed in SuperChat 360.

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