In Khabarovsk, cadets of the military training center of the Far Eastern State Transport University took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

At the military unit of the railway troops of the Eastern Military District, stationed in Khabarovsk Krai, the ritual of taking the military oath by cadets of the military training center (16+) (VUC) of the Far Eastern State University of Transport (DVGUPS) took place, the press service of the Eastern Military District reported to the AmurMedia news agency. More than 200 cadets took the military oath. There will be training and final certification, after which they will all be awarded the military rank of “lieutenant”, “sergeant” or “reservist” and enlisted in the reserve. In Khabarovsk, cadets of the military training center of DVGUPS took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press service of the Eastern Military District In Khabarovsk, cadets of DVGUPS took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press service of the Eastern Military District In Khabarovsk, cadets of DVGUPS took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press Service of the Eastern Military District The ceremonial event began with the carrying out of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and the Battle Banner of the military unit. The event was attended by the leadership of the military training center, officers of the railway troops of the Eastern Military District, as well as representatives of the city and regional administration. In Khabarovsk, cadets of the military training center of the Far Eastern State Transport University took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press Service of the Eastern Military District In Khabarovsk, cadets of the Far Eastern State Transport University took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press Service of the Eastern Military District In Khabarovsk, cadets of the Far Eastern State Transport University took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press Service of the Eastern Military District In Khabarovsk, cadets of the Far Eastern State Transport University took the oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Photo: Press Service of the Eastern Military District The next stage that future specialists will have to go through will be sending them on an internship at BAM, where they will master and consolidate in practice the knowledge they have acquired in their chosen specialties. A special feature of the internship will be the acquisition by students of the necessary skills to work on the railway.

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