In Finland, five thousand signatures were collected against the closure of the border with Russia.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Residents of Finland opposed the closure of the border with the Russian Federation. The corresponding petition, posted on the website, has already been signed by more than five thousand people.

“The government’s decision to completely close border traffic between Finland and Russia is contrary to human rights,” said Petri Mattinen, the author of the petition. He demanded that the restrictions be changed because they were destroying family ties.

Matinen explained that many have close relatives on both sides of the border. Some signatories emphasized that closing the border makes it impossible to see relatives and visit elderly parents and grandchildren.

Earlier, the Finnish authorities decided to close four of the eight checkpoints on the border with Russia. From November 18, the Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala checkpoints will be closed. Border guards will install barriers on them.

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