In Buryatia they want to open commercial fishing for omul in the mode of commercial research

Posting in CHAT: Russia

This was announced on May 6 by the Minister of Agriculture of Buryatia, Galsan Dareev, at the annual release of omul larvae on the Bolshaya Rechka River, Kabansky District. – Means of artificial reproduction make it possible to quickly restore the population of the Baikal omul until its biological mass reaches 10 thousand tons. And then it will be possible to talk about lifting the fishing ban. We are currently exploring the possibility of starting production in commercial studies in 2025. We have already raised this issue at the scientific and fishing council of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute (VNIRO) for Fisheries and Oceanography, so that scientists determine quotas, fishing grounds and fishing gear. According to VNIRO representatives, we can start from northern Baikal, where the omul population is recovering faster,” said Galsan Dareev. The relevant department also notes that in the republic over the past five years it has been possible to achieve a multiple increase in the reproduction of omul, which has made it possible to open recreational fishing in some areas of Lake Baikal from 2023. The Bolsherechensky fish hatchery is engaged in this activity. during artificial reproduction of the Baikal endemic in the Republic of Buryatia.

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