In 2024, the number of applicants to Perm universities increased –

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In total, 15,447 students are planned to be admitted this year. A meeting of the council of rectors of regional universities was held in the new building of Lyceum No. 10 in Perm. The chairman of the council, rector of Perm State Pedagogical University Konstantin Egorov reported a significant increase in the number of applications for admission to some universities in the region compared to 2023. By July 16, 2024, the number of applications submitted to Perm Medical University increased by 5,127, reaching a total of 8,152. At Perm Polytechnic University, the number of applications received increased by 3,620, and at the Pedagogical University – by 681. In total, state universities of Perm Krai plan to admit 15,447 students in 2024, including 6,703 budget places and 8,744 extra-budgetary places have also significantly increased. Today, more than 90% of applications to Perm Pedagogical University have been sent through the super service “Online admission to the university” on the State Services portal, added Konstantin Egorov. “More and more students are coming to our universities, and the number of foreign students has increased. It is important to note the role of effective interaction between the school and the university, as a result we receive motivated applicants. In addition, thanks to the governor of the Kama region, today there is an opportunity to modernize the budget system; measures to support universities, scientific research and young scientists,” noted the chairman of the Council of Rectors.

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