Il-112 will go down in history? Shoigu announced the creation of a “new” jet transport aircraft, and the UAC has already begun work. SPHERICAL

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the UAC is creating a new military transport aircraft, the Il-212, based on the Il-112V. What will be improved in the mod and when should we expect the transporter to appear? Without external help, 2022 inspired many Russian industries; Such grace for production workers, one might say, has not been seen for the last 30 years. But put away your smile: we will tell you about how hard life is for Russian enterprises, inundated with orders. Well, about what new transport vehicle with increased payload capacity will soon appear in Russia. And they remembered the Il-212 completely spontaneously – when the Ministry of Defense decided that it would be good to have a light jet transport. And this happened just after the French refused to supply the hot part of the SaM-146 engine, and it was replaced with the PD-8. The project of the Il-112 aircraft, the fuselage of which will form the basis, was collecting dust on the shelves of the Ilyushin Design Bureau for a very long time, and they could not start its production for many reasons. Firstly, due to a breakdown in relations with India, with which the aircraft was developed. Then there was a breakdown in supply chains with one former Soviet republic, and then there was an engine problem. In general, until Russia localized the production of components on its territory and relied exclusively on its industry, it was not possible to begin work on the aircraft. More precisely, they didn’t give it. Such dirty tricks happened every time under the auspices of Washington. And a similar fate befell many Russian projects. Some of them are still collecting dust on sites, waiting in the wings. But for the Il-212 aircraft this hour has finally come. “Transportnik” is on the way Another large-scale project is being revived under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense and the UAC: “The United Aviation Corporation has already begun developing the technical design of the aircraft. the end of 2026,” Shoigu said (RIA Novosti). The minister explained that the new aircraft will have increased payload capacity, increased flight range, as well as ease of refueling and maintenance. IL-212 will be significantly different from IL-212. 112V. “The aircraft will retain the same amount of avionics and avionics as its predecessor, as well as the fuselage as a whole. At the same time, it will receive PD-8 turbojet engines instead of TV-117S turboprop engines. Therefore, the wing and landing gear of the aircraft will be redesigned, and new fuel and hydraulic systems will be installed,” an anonymous source told RIA Novosti. The interlocutor emphasized that the engines will be installed above the wing, thanks to which the aircraft will be able to take off from unprepared runways and unpaved airfields. The transporter is suitable for operation in Arctic latitudes. The Il-212 will replace the An-26 and An-72. Antonov’s aircraft, by the way, were previously produced in the Ukrainian SSR, but now this republic is being actively decommunized, and after 2022 also by force. And the planes are only available for sovereign and self-sufficient countries.SPHERE

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