I will remember Saratov with a kind word – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

He expressed the hope that he would be able to visit our city more often Photo: Official telegram channel of Nikita Kologrivy Today, May 31, the famous actor Nikita Kologrivy recorded a video message to Saratov residents, where he thanked them for their hospitality and quality work. The video appeared on social networks. Let us remind you that the filming of the series about the musical group “Combination” took place in Saratov for three weeks. One of the main roles in the film was played by Nikita Kologrivy, who starred in the TV series “The Boy’s Word.” The film set managed to film scenes in 12 different locations in the city. Nikita Kologrivy spoke warmly about our city and its inhabitants. He noticed the openness of the townspeople, their sensitivity during filming, when they did not interfere with the progress of work. “Wonderful people, positive, hospitable, they greeted everyone with a smile, drew posters, waved their hands, and did not bother us. This made me very happy, even such nostalgic melancholy arises. Now I will remember Saratov with a kind word. I hope I will come here and visit here more often, because I really liked it here,” said the actor. Kologrivy added that he and the team had already left the city. Filming ended yesterday. Today the actor should be in Moscow for one of the public events.

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