“I was in pain.” Elena Vorobey spoke about her daughter’s complex operation

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December 24, 2023, 04:27 Comedian Sparrow: daughters underwent a complex operation in Germany RIA Novosti Read on 360tv Comedian Elena Vorobey spoke about the complex spinal surgery that her daughter Sonya underwent in Germany. She shared her personal story on the show “Million Dollar Secret.” According to the artist, Sonya has had third-degree scoliosis since childhood. But then the doctors did not provide him with any special treatment, they only advised him to wear a corset and swim. But then Elena Vorobey’s daughter began to suffer from back pain, and in 2018 the family decided to undergo surgery. The operation was carried out in Munich and lasted six hours. 20 screws and two knitting needles were inserted into the girl’s spine. The treatment cost more than 50 thousand euros. Last year, Elena Vorobey said that in her youth she had a romantic relationship with Yevgeny Petrosyan. The actress admitted that she kissed the comedian. In November, Elena Vorobey said that she had lost 13 kilograms under the supervision of a nutritionist. Authors: Ekaterina Yan

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