“I am confident that our interaction with the renewed composition of the Russian government will be effective”

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Governor of the Voronezh Region Alexander Gusev congratulated Mikhail Mishustin on his appointment to the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The head of the region wrote about this in his Telegram channel on Friday, May 10. – Together with his colleagues, he participated in the historic meeting of the State Duma via video conference. Deputies approved Mikhail Mishustin as Prime Minister. Congratulations to Mikhail Vladimirovich on his appointment! This is the best proof of our services to the country over the previous four and a half years; I am confident that our interaction with the updated composition of the Russian government will be effective. Thus, we will be able to do even more to improve the quality of life of Voronezh residents within the framework of the course set by our President. Mikhail Mishustin voiced the main priorities and a large-scale program that we all must implement. This is economic development, a guarantee of technological sovereignty, saving people and developing regions,” wrote Alexander Gusev. The governor added that, with the help of the Russian government, they will continue to attract investment in regional infrastructure, and a comprehensive development program will be implemented. be realized. , which will affect at least 2 thousand residential areas. – As Mikhail Mishustin stated, “a strong economy and technological sovereignty are the basis for improving the well-being of life in every region.” The Voronezh region will continue to develop taking into account these guidelines, the head of the region noted. Earlier, RIA Voronezh reported that the State Duma approved the candidacy of Mikhail Mishustin, nominated for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin. During the voting, 375 deputies voted for Mikhail Mishustin. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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