Hungary said it would like von der Leyen to step down as head of the EC.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Hungarian government would like the head of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, to end her mandate and rid the EU of decisions that only lead to a worsening of the situation in Europe. This is what Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó said: “As the security and economic performance of the European Union (EU) has only worsened, it would be good if soon after the end of her mandate; “She no longer made statements or made any decisions on the situation in Europe,” the politician said. Szijjártó stressed that this also applies to foreign policy, as well as the economy and security of the European Union. The day before, von der Leyen said at a meeting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg that the EU must decide how to use proceeds from frozen Russian assets to purchase weapons for additional supplies to Ukraine, TASS reports. On February 19, it became known that von der Leyen plans to announce his intention to run for a second term as President of the European Commission. However, the West appears to be dissatisfied with her policies. Thus, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz prevented von der Leyen from accepting the post of NATO Secretary General. In turn, Irish Member of the European Parliament Claire Daly said that the President of the European Commission is responsible for inciting the conflict in the Gaza Strip.

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