How to get rid of weeds between paving stones on garden paths – Russia today

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The ubiquitous weeds growing between paving slabs or brick pavers can become a nuisance growing in the sand underneath the walkway. In addition, such overgrown roads look very messy. Weeds on garden paths look untidy and untidy. To get rid of annoying weeds between tiles, there are several basic methods: *manual; *environmentally friendly (fire, boiling water); chemical (use of herbicides). Let’s take a look at them all. Drying by hand The simplest, but also the most labor-intensive method. Hand weeding takes a lot of time. Digging breaks up the soil surface, helping to remove the top part of the plant, but leaving behind pieces of perennial roots from which the ubiquitous wheatgrass can grow back. In addition, it is not always possible to uproot weeds if they grow between bricks. The weeds may be so tightly packed that they won’t move, and lifting the tiles is a mammoth task that not everyone can do. But if the roads are short, manual weeding remains the fastest and most affordable method. Good equipment can help control weeds. Take a small shovel and a hoe with a sharp, long hook. And if the gaps between the tiles are very small, use a regular table knife. The most effective way to remove weeds from the joints between tiles is by hand weeding or using TIP tools. Before you start cleaning the grass, wet the path with water. Then pull out the plant, trying to extract as many roots as possible. After removing weeds, it is important to fill the voids to prevent new seeds from germinating there. To do this, add a mixture of sand and cement between the cracks and the tiles: first spread the sand over the surface with a shovel, then use a broom to clean it into the seams. Water the entire surface with a hose, forcing the mixture to compact. Repeat until the sand reaches the road surface. Reliable chemistry Herbicides will quickly destroy weeds and any vegetation around the paving stones. Many general purpose herbicides kill weeds and grass growing on gravel paths and between patio slabs. Some weed killers contain glyphosate, a systemic herbicide that slowly kills the entire plant, including the roots. Glyphosate herbicides can be used in most areas of the garden, with the exception of the lawn. When used correctly, some chemicals will keep your walkways weed-free for about three months! Using herbicides, you can kill weeds on garden paths in three months. If you decide to use herbicides to remove weeds from roads, follow some basic rules. 1. Apply herbicide in the spring. Spring is the best time because existing weeds are still growing but not germinating and there aren’t many new seeds in the soil. 2. Choose a dry day. Because many herbicides penetrate through the leaves, they must be applied on a dry day. If rain falls shortly after application, additional treatment may be required. 3. Do not loosen the soil after processing. The systemic effect of herbicides can be reduced by attempting to remove the aboveground part of the plant before the weed dies. Wait a few weeks after treating as directed to ensure the weed root is completely dead before removing dead foliage. 4. Do not leave uncultivated spaces between plants. Imagine that the applied product is in the form of an invisible coating, so any cracks in the treated area can let weeds through. Eco-friendly organic weed killers typically do not contain harmful chemicals, but they are effective in their own way at killing weeds between pavers. 1. Acetic acid. Fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar and spray it directly onto the weeds, preferably on a warm, sunny day. Vinegar will help kill most types of weeds, but try to keep it away from crops if they are nearby. 2. Boiling water. Simply boil a kettle of water and pour it over the weeds and grout lines between the tiles. 3. Propane burners. Fire, of course, will not immediately and completely remove the grass, but repeated wilting of the grass will kill it. Be careful with natural stone, which can warp or crack if exposed to excessive heat. It is also important to protect plants that grow nearby, such as lawns and mixed border flower beds on the side of the road. It is best to use fire when the grass is watered or it has recently rained. 4. Salt and baking soda work wonders in killing the grass and weeds growing in the cracks and joints of your yard. To do this, mix 5 liters of acetic acid with two glasses of table salt and 1 tbsp. Use a spoonful of dish soap and spray the path, thoroughly watering all unwanted vegetation. Pouring boiling water over the weeds between the tiles will also remove them permanently. Read the full material in issue 21 of the Khozyaystvo newspaper (16+). You can subscribe to the Khozyaystvo newspaper (16+) or receive a gift. subscription to mother or grandmother via the link LLC “Hozyaystvo”, Volgodonsk, st. Pionerskaya 84/11, TIN 6143078207 OGRN 1126174000963 Advertising. LLC “Khozyaystvo”, TIN 6143078207 7176 News about Notebook-Taganrog

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