how much do they cost and is it possible to eat them – – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The portal compared melon prices Watermelons have started selling in Perm. We are not talking about those “golden” rare varieties of watermelons that you can buy in winter. Namely, about mass sales in chain stores and fruit kiosks Photo: Watermelon prices Watermelon prices in Perm in chain stores vary greatly. For example, in the Perekrestok chain of stores, a kilogram of summer berries now costs 59.99 rubles as an advertisement. Without the promotion – 129.99 rubles. In Auchan, a kilogram of watermelon costs about 100 rubles. In Pyaterochka – about 85 rubles. In Samokat, they will bring you 114 rubles per kilogram under the promotion. In Monetka, watermelons are sold for 79.99 rubles per kilogram. Without the promotion, they cost 100 rubles. However, as practice shows, soon all chains will start selling watermelons at about the same price. As for the kiosks with vegetables and fruits, watermelons are now sold at a price of 70 rubles per kilogram Photo: Where do they come from According to the sellers at the kiosks, now, at the end of June, watermelons are brought from Uzbekistan. Before that, at the beginning and middle of June, watermelons were from Iran. And in chain stores, watermelons, judging by the information in the description, are from Russia and Kazakhstan. According to the information from the service-aggregator of discounts and special offers of retail chains “Yedadil”, watermelons most often come to the shelves of Perm stores from Iran, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, as well as Azerbaijan. This is due to the fact that growing juicy fruits requires a lot of water, sun and a warm climate. Astrakhan watermelons arrive in Perm in early August — they are considered the sweetest and ripest Photo: Can early watermelons be eaten, explain specialists from the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing? Watermelons from hot countries, for example, the same Iran, can be eaten. Astrakhan, Uzbekistan, etc. You can eat them, but you need to be careful. When growing watermelons in greenhouses, more mineral fertilizers are used. This can lead to excessive accumulation of nitrates and poisoning of the watermelon. Open fields are also cultivated. During the period of growth and ripening, watermelons are treated with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. All of them can affect the human body, causing general weakness, dizziness, headache and symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting. Buying watermelons in June – early July is a lottery. Therefore, do not rush to buy, wait until August. And then, most likely, you will buy a real watermelon, which is good for your health,” explains how not to eat a watermelon. As explained by Rospotrebnadzor, you can get poisoned not only by a “nitrate” watermelon. A bacterial infection that has penetrated a healthy, ripe watermelon from the outside can also lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is safest to bring home a whole, uncut watermelon. Do not buy watermelons at dubious markets and fairs. At centralized markets, watermelons undergo laboratory testing, and sellers have certificates. Each buyer can read it if desired. The image was created by a neural network. How to choose a regular watermelon, has a regular spherical shape, dark green color, without a smooth surface. cracks, spots or matte coating. If you knock on a ripe watermelon, the sound will be muffled. Before eating a watermelon, it should be washed with a brush and soap and rinsed with hot boiled water. This will remove any dangerous bacteria that may be on the shell. If you have already cut the watermelon, it is advisable to eat it within 24 hours.

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