How expensive the lighting on the metro bridge in Omsk will look – May 16, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The lighting will correspond to dusk, dawn and sunset Source: Elena Latypova New information about lighting on the metro bridge has appeared on the government procurement website. The Omsk region plans to allocate 90.6 million rubles for these purposes. The contractor, whose search has now begun, will have to dismantle the old lighting, manufacture and install lamps, as well as lay wires, cables and install lighting. The new lighting system must not only operate smoothly, but also display signs, symbols, logos and messages. The backlight must operate in at least 12 modes. It will have to reflect natural phenomena such as sunset, dawn and twilight. Among the holiday modes are “New Year” (November 16 – January 29), Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23), International Women’s Day (March 8), Spring and Labor Day (May 1), Victory Day (May 9). , National Unity Day (November 4), Russia Day (June 12), National Flag Day of the Russian Federation (August 22). In addition, the backlight must have an emergency mode. Look at how installation No. 4 is located under the bridge Source: The lighting can be painted in the colors of the Russian flag. Installation location No. 1 may be bright fuchsia Source: It should shine evenly Source: Perhaps this is what emergency lighting will look like Source: Blue combinations with bright fuchsia Source: In total, the metro bridge is illuminated at an altitude of 1905 meters. To make architectural lighting, you need a variety of lamps – pendant, ceiling, built-in and wall. At least one of the modes must not be white. Lighting should be dynamic. Lamps must be made of silicate tempered glass and polycarbonate protective glass, resistant to ultraviolet radiation. In total it will be installed in six different locations. The temperature that the lamps can withstand varies from -40 to +50 degrees. Earlier, Omsk Mayor Sergei Shelest showed what the architectural and artistic lighting of the Leningrad Bridge will look like after repairs. Initially it was planned that the backlight would have only 4 modes: white for daily use and three more colors depending on the holiday.

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