Horsefly bite was an unexpected and unpleasant event for the woman. – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

It is important to be attentive to nature.

A recent incident in the UK showed how important it is to be careful in nature. A woman, spending time with her son, encountered an unpleasant surprise – a horsefly bite.

At first it didn’t seem serious, but soon the bite site became red and swollen, and the next day a rash appeared. The woman’s condition worsened rapidly, and she was urgently hospitalized. Doctors found that the bite site had begun to fester, and she needed emergency surgery.

After the operation, she spent several days in intensive care. This case highlights the importance of paying close attention to your health and seeking immediate medical attention for any suspicious symptoms.

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The horsefly bite was an unexpected and unpleasant event for the woman.

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