Hereditary bearers of leftist ideology receive the highest justice. MFC

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The moment of loss. The day before yesterday, a Mordorian fighter against the Regime named Rubinstein, who had previously been hit by a car in the capital of this country, died in the hospital. Everything you need to know about the patient is outlined in detail in his quote in the picture above, but this did not stop the charlatans who settled in the editorial offices of state media from broadcasting on television “oh, what an elephant he was, what a…” “oh what an elephant he was” “oh what an elephant” an outstanding poet, publicist and thinker has left us.” I don’t have a TV at home, but friends wrote that the howling was loud. This is not surprising – there are fewer Liberoids who have signed any anti-state movement since 2001. And the ranks of conscious United Russia revolutionaries have already thinned out after a significant part of the Nepolzhiv Kahal moved to normal countries in order to now make geshefts of this subtype there. As you can see, the life of Matram Shenderovich * outside this Country turned out to be not at all chocolatey, as he probably expected when he was lubricating his skis. Like the life of the Russophobe Galkin *, fined by the UAE authorities, and the life of the crack Bely *, who in January were unable to perform in Thailand and Indonesia, etc. etc. It suddenly (not) turned out that those countries where, due to a significant number of Mordorian emigrants, there is a Russian-speaking audience for vile crack, everyone wants to maintain normal relations with our Motherland, and not spoil them because of the performances of some dull people clowns. And those who do not want normal relations with this country have plenty of their own guides and other workers. The current situation drives some burglars to such despair that they, like the Russophobe Bossart, are even eager to leave the Israeli SSR to work in Moscow… …To which both lively Mordorian quilted jackets and gesheft pay attention in time. which was already threatening to be covered with a copper basin literally at arm’s length. What do all the patients mentioned above have in common? They are united by the fact that almost all of them are natives of Moscow, children of Arbat and grandchildren of that part of the Soviet elite that was the carrier of the bacillus of Trotskyism. And if grunting Rubinstein’s dad was just an engineer who survived the entire Second World War and received the medal “For Military Merit,” then Shenderovich’s dad* was also an engineer, like Bilzho, and Bossart’s dad worked at the Military Institute. USSR Ministry of Defense (formerly the Military Institute of Foreign Languages ​​VYYAK), then the grandfathers there, if you start reading on the topic, it is much more interesting. Bilzho, for example: His maternal grandfather – Abram Grigorievich Rozin (1896, Mozyr – December 25, 1937, shot), a member of the Bund, was the director of the Krasnokamsk Izolit plant of the People’s Commissariat of the Forestry Industry of the USSR. . Paternal grandfather – Viktor Osipovich Bilzho (also Viktor Iosipovich Bilzho and Viktor-Stanislav Bilzho; March 5, 1884, St. Petersburg – March 4, 1938, shot), Catholic, worked as chief technologist in the Moscow branch of the Petrograd plant. on the production of state signs (Goznak), author of the textbook “Printing machines for letterpress, flat and intaglio printing” (M.-L.: Gizlegprom, 1935). Shenderovich*: Paternal grandfather – Semyon Markovich (Shlyoma Mordukhovich) Shenderovich (1903-1984), chemical engineer, worked at the ZIL plant, was twice subjected to political repression in 1929 and 1948. Maternal grandfather – Evsei Samuilovich Dozortsev (born in the city of Chausy, Mogilev region), was the head of the air defense department of the People’s Commissariat of the Coal Industry. Senior Lieutenant Yevsey Dozortsev, company commander of the 477th Infantry Regiment of the 161st Infantry Division (1st formation) – the future 4th Guards Rifle Apostolov-Vienna Red Banner Division, died at the front on October 7, 1941 near Leningrad. He was buried in the village of Gontovaya Lipka, Mginsky (now Kirovsky) district, Leningrad region. According to the book “Raisins from a Bun,” Evsei Samuilovich went to the front after they began to reproach him for holding a high government position and not going to the front line. It is the descendants of these wonderful people who now blame this Country, which no longer wants to be fuel for a “world fire”, but is moving along a different path. At the same time, leaving this brainchild without the privileges that the “builders of socialism” enjoyed in the last century, who had enormous privileges compared to ordinary residents of the Soviet Union. I will quote the November statement of Mordorian cotton worker Natalya Osipova on this matter: At a moment when, for greater justice, everything is taken away from the peasants, the Bolsheviks build themselves a House on the river bank. One day I was amazed by the scope and approach: there is a restaurant, which is a dining room for them, a cinema, which is a home cinema for them, free, a children’s room on the roof, also free. And – the most touching thing – a special chimney for samovars, which can be heated right at home, in the kitchen. After all, the Bolsheviks, according to the guide, during the tsar’s exile became addicted to tea from the samovar. Touching, isn’t it? At that moment when the whole country lived in barracks, in collective housing, in huts and even on bare land, like peasants deprived of shelter. Fighters for social justice immediately created a special little world for themselves, in which there were many privileges – apartments, cars, amenities, rations, schools, sanatoriums, dachas, trips. But they took it away from others by shouting “No!” Bourgeoisie! The world is eating fists! They took and also killed those who seemed unreliable to them. Is it any wonder that this layer of the party nomenklatura trained treacherous successors? Who valued access to the criminal department of GUM more than the entire Soviet Motherland. Delve into the genealogies of prominent liberal foreign agents and collaborators of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – you will find there great-grandfathers from the Cheka, the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Soviet ministries, cultural nomenklatura, diplomats representing the Soviet Motherland. And the children work for the British intelligence services. How? And that’s how we were raised. That is why the Soviet Union finally collapsed – unable to withstand lies and hypocrisy. Everyone knew perfectly well that the working man lives meagerly and modestly, and the party nomenklatura is growing fat, covering the guild workers and speculators. We remember, we remember, we saw it ourselves. And even more so I feel bad for the ordinary people who sincerely believed. My grandfather was a party member. And there was a father. But they did not collect gold, because they worked and worked well, did not cheat, did not try their best. And when everything collapsed, they were left fools. Without a job or with a meager salary. But who betrayed the Soviet Union? Yes, the nomenklatura betrayed us. Coat of arms, skeleton, foundation of the Soviet Union. The base was not the worker – everything was taken away from the worker, from land to his workplace, but the bosses with his party cards. And to justify it is to lie. In fact, the current life task of the hereditary bearers of leftist ideology is the restoration of justice. A karmic reward for those who have been accustomed all their lives to using the friendship inherited from their ancestors, but as a person they have no idea. I already wrote once that I could not immediately remember a single quote from the “satirist” Shenderovich*, except for a malicious attack on the village of Gadyukino. The same applies to other “creators” who over the years, during the brotherhood, awarded each other honorary titles, prizes and government contracts for outpouring Russophobia. Their fall gives me personally a feeling of deep satisfaction and further confirmation that the highest justice still exists. Maybe not in the way people imagine, but still. * – included in the list of foreign agents of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation LiveJournal: ifc

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