Head of Apatity Library Department Receives Presidential Grant

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 03 09 2024, 16:31 | Photo SeverPost: SeverPost/Irina Shved Natalia Yusifova, head of the methodological and bibliographical work department of the Apatity Central City Library, received a presidential grant. The money will be used to implement a project to create a series of educational events “Immersion in Science”. The presidential decree on the provision of grants to support creative projects of national significance in the field of culture and art was published on the Kremlin website. Let us remind you that excellent university students will receive 100 thousand to buy apartments in the Arctic. Read also: Restrictions for drivers will be introduced on Pushkinskaya in Murmansk. To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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