“He smashed my head on the floor!” The Efremov family again contacted the police

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Mikhail Efremov Photo: LEGION-MEDIA In 2016, actress Olga Efremova married Italian Alessandro Sini. To this union a son, Arsenio, was born. True, the idyll in the relationship did not last long. Now the man is trying to deprive his former lover of the opportunity to communicate with the child. On social networks, Olga appealed to the public for help. “Trouble! Terrible situation! Big criminal! I am tormented by my eight year old child, my husband Alessandro Sini, born in Marino, Italy, lives in Aprilia Latina. He did it. Now he has kidnapped my child, I don’t know where they are. I have all the documents from the hospital. I’m calling the police!” – wrote a representative of the star dynasty. Olga admitted that Alessandro had raised his hand against her more than once, and now he smashed her head. Efremova showed on camera the injuries inflicted on her. The star’s entire body is now covered with greenery. After this incident, the actress decided to go to the police, I just need to talk about the exceptional case of violence against me by Alessandro Sini, a native of Marino. under his violence for about nine years. In addition, he is a thief, he kidnapped the son of Arseny Efremov,” Efremova complained in a video message; she initially managed to part with Alessandro Sini on a friendly note. Later, when the actress had a breakup, her new lover, an Italian, decided to take revenge and began to limit the artist’s communication with her son. “Italian men have a national hobby – to take children away from Russian women. He wants the child to live with him, and I come once a week. This is his idea of ​​how a child needs a mother,” Olga complained.

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