“He’ll freeze to death.” The cat is stuck in the car and does not leave it for almost a day | Nature

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A rescue operation is taking place in Konkovo ​​- people are trying to save a cat who climbed into the back of a parked car and cannot get out. The car belongs to a Libyan citizen who is now in his homeland. On the morning of January 12, the cat Musya, whom Anna, a resident of house 98k5 on Profsoyuznaya Street, caught as a kitten on the street, jumped out of the window and rushed into the street. There she climbed under the hood of a car parked next to the entrance. And from that moment on, no one saw the cat again. “Apparently, she climbed into the hood, but couldn’t find a way out,” Anna worries. – Musya meows, asks for help. But what can we do? I called the volunteers, they said that they wouldn’t touch someone else’s expensive car.” The loud cries of the cat alerted the entire yard. The neighbors gathered and first tried to lure the animal out with sausage, then poured valerian on the snow. But nothing helped. The cat clearly wanted to get out, but couldn’t. We found out who the owner of the car is. He turned out to be a Libyan citizen living in the second entrance. He’s home now. There is no one to open the car. Photo: AiF/Anna Sokolova “I’m very afraid that Musya will freeze,” admits Anna. “It’s so cold now.” The neighbors tried to lift the car themselves with jacks, but they failed. Someone even tried to unscrew the hood. The police have now arrived at the scene. They decide whether the animal can be saved.

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