Governor Alexander Gusev congratulated Voronezh farmers on harvesting 3 million tons of grain

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Voronezh Region has harvested 3 million tons of grain. 1.2 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops have been threshed. Governor Alexander Gusev expressed gratitude to farmers in his Telegram channel on Monday, September 16. – Congratulations to farmers of Voronezh Region on their third million tons of grain! For this year with its seasonal anomalies, this is very decent,” the head of the region wrote. At present, the following has been harvested: winter wheat – 1.5 million tons, about 424 thousand tons; spring wheat – 303 thousand tons, sunflower – 115 thousand tons of grain in the region; Farmers continue to harvest late grain and legumes, as well as industrial crops. Governor Alexander Gusev wished them good weather and new achievements. It was previously known that in 2024, the area of ​​cultivation of seeds of domestic selection and domestic hybrids will increase in the region. Producers will be compensated for part of the costs of supporting the production of elite seeds. Every year, more than 250 plots of demonstration crops are sown in the region to popularize domestic selection and compare the yield of Russian and foreign seeds. Read more in the RIA Voronezh article. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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