Germany has recorded 3,300 crimes related to the war in the Middle East.

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From the beginning of the war in the Middle East, the Federal Criminal Police Office of Germany (BKA) has noted material damage, incitement, and violence during both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrations, according to the German television channel tagesschau. As of today, around 3300 crimes related to the war in the Middle East have been recorded. According to the police, in most cases there is a “foreign ideology” behind them. Primarily, these are cases of causing material damage, inciting hate, and resistance crimes, reports Der Spiegel referring to BKA data. Several hundred acts of violence also occurred during the demonstrations. The police classify almost three-quarters of the crimes committed in Germany as “politically motivated crimes.” In these cases, according to the BKA definition, there are signs that the crime is based on a non-religious ideology coming from abroad.

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