Fraudsters persuaded a resident of Ulan-Ude to take a financial course and transfer more than one and a half million rubles to them.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On June 27, a 27-year-old man filed a complaint with the police. The citizen fell in love with the tricks of fake brokers and transferred more than one and a half million loans to them. On March 20, a “consultant from an analytical center” called him and offered to take a paid course in financial literacy. The course lasted one week, after which the victim began to take active steps to earn money on the stock market: he downloaded the necessary application and began to invest money in a special account. To get more profit, he used loans: he took out three loans in a row for a total of more than one and a half million rubles for cryptocurrency purchase transactions. When he logged into his “personal account in the application” at the end of March, he saw that there was no money in his account. The “consultant” explained this by the fall in the market value of the purchased cryptocurrencies, and then stopped communicating. The man realized that he was involved in a fraudulent scheme. The victim participated in police preventive measures and knew about this method of deception, but “trusted the convincing words of the consultant from the analytical center.”

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