Forestry enterprise “Zheshart” presented new remote methods of forestry management at the Forestry Council

At the Forest Council, Zhezhartsky LPK talked about remote methods of organizing forest management. The company OOO “Zhezhartsky LPK” took part in the meeting of the first Forest Council under the head of the Republic of Komi. On November 16, a meeting of businesses, authorities, public figures, and scientists took place at the venue of the Finno-Ugric Ethnopark. It is worth noting that the Forest Council was created on February 8, 2023, at the direction of the head of Komi. The goal of the Council’s work is to comprehensively discuss and resolve current issues in the field of forest use, protection, conservation, and reproduction, ensuring the development of the republic’s forest complex, and building a dialogue between executive authorities, local self-government authorities , federal government bodies, and public, business, educational, and scientific communities. The Forest Council is led by Vladimir Uyba. The head of the forest management department of the Zhezhartsky forest complex, Maxim Kovalev, talked about the prospects for using remote methods in forest management. Today, this topic is particularly relevant, since a large number of forest areas have a forest management term of more than 10 years. This is the upper limit, after which renting out forest areas becomes problematic. The Zhezhartsky LPK plant has been operating in the market for over 77 years. The company has three production facilities in Russia, the largest of which operates in Komi. The company’s products include birch plywood, laminated plywood, MDF, as well as interesting products such as terrace boards, furniture panels, and timber, which the company showcased at the exhibition organized within the framework of the Council. Zhezhartsky LPK has been a forest user since 2017 and currently has seven forest areas in long-term lease, all of which are located in the Komi territory. The company’s approximate logging volume is 418 thousand cubic meters. This year, over 360 thousand cubic meters have already been harvested. In 2023, the company launched a pilot project using remote methods in forest management, which was initiated by a team from Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan. In Innopolis, one of the possible remote tax assessment methods is being implemented – using drones equipped with special laser sensors. The equipment is fully assembled in Tatarstan, and the software is also developed in Russia. The key feature of the laser sensor shooting is that it is comprehensive, from the top to the ground cover, and the data collected contains information not only about the qualitative characteristics of objects within the plot, but also about their spatial location. According to M. Kovalev, the forest user finally receives a digital database of the forest area, which will become a reliable basis for quality planning of activities. The pilot project aims to establish the accuracy of determining indicators; intermediate results already reflect compliance with the requirements of forest management instructions for determining the diameter and height of trees. Ivan Sovetnikov, the head of Rosleskhoz, believes that the industry’s future lies in the implementation of new technologies. “In all areas, new ways are being transitioned to today. Remote monitoring technologies using drones have their own difficulties, their own nuances. We know and understand them, but in 5-7 years, forest management will change drastically. Today, I even see “I see forest restoration when drones are planted. “It’s expensive, the technology is in its infancy, but in 10-15 years, it will become part of our lives,” assured the head of Rosleskhoz.

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