Forecaster Pozdnyakova predicted heat this weekend in Moscow – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

This coming weekend, June 29 and 30, warm weather and short-term precipitation will come to the capital, Tatyana Pozdnyakova, chief specialist of the capital’s weather bureau, told Vechernaya Moskva. According to the forecaster, in the last days of June Moscow will be on the outskirts of an anticyclone. “On Saturday the minimum air temperature will be +15-17 degrees, on Sunday – +17-19 degrees. On Saturday afternoon we expect +27-29 degrees, the same temperature will be on Sunday,” Pozdnyakova noted. On Saturday, when the wind changes from north-west to south-west, local short-term rains are expected, the air temperature is expected to be several degrees above the climate norm. There will be a continued chance of rain on Sunday. The expert explained that the beginning of the next week and month in Moscow will be about +30 degrees. Earlier, the head of the Meteorological Center, Alexander Shuvalov, predicted 30-degree heat in Moscow. at the end of June.

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