Forecaster Leus spoke about the weather on December 30 • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The thaw in Moscow will reach its peak on Saturday, December 30. This was announced by the chief specialist of the Phobos meteorological center, Mikhail Leus. “Moscow: the thaw is reaching its maximum,” the weather forecaster said. According to him, under the influence of the warm sector of the cyclonic vortex there will be cloudy weather. stay in the capital. Scattered showers are also expected, mainly at the beginning and end of the day. In some areas of the city, ice will remain on the sidewalks and roads. The air temperature in Moscow varies from one to three degrees above zero, in the Moscow region – from minus one to plus four degrees. The wind will blow from the southwest, with gusts reaching nine meters per second. Atmospheric pressure will increase in the evening and reach 737 millimeters of mercury, which is still below normal. On Sunday, December 31, sleet is forecast in the city, which will turn into regular snow. The air temperature will be from zero to plus two degrees. Ice formation is possible, Leus added in his Telegram channel. The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned Muscovites about a sharp drop in air temperature on the night of December 31 to January 1. Severe ice is also expected.

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