For the first time it became known about the death of an 18-year-old Russian contract soldier in the Northern Military District – News

Posting in CHAT: Russia

For the first time it became known about the death of an 18-year-old Russian contract soldier in the Northern Military District. The State Duma adopted amendments allowing 18-year-old school graduates to enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense in the spring of 2023. For the first time it became known about the death of an 18-year-old Russian contract soldier, Stas Silchenkov, in the Northern Military District. Kommersant writes about this. The young man’s death was the first confirmed among 18-year-old soldiers. “Stachiy died on November 17 in the village of Sinkovka, Kharkov region, Kupyansky district. The death became known only on December 12. On December 16, she buried her son,” said the mother of the deceased. Stachy Silchenkov was born on May 20, 2005. In 2023 he graduated from Smolensk school No. 24. Posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. The State Duma adopted amendments allowing 18-year-old school graduates to enter into contracts in the spring of 2023.

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