Folk calendar. How to appease deceased relatives February 8 • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On February 8, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Theodore the Studite. During his life, the elder performed a large number of miracles. People who turned to him for help could get rid of fire, wild animals and even serious diseases. On this day, ancestors predicted the weather thanks to peas. They put dry peas in a dish and rolled them out. If you hear the sound while driving, severe frosts will set in. If there is a dull rumble, then you should expect quiet snowfalls. Those born on February 8 cooked pea porridge to gain strength. People also believed that on this day the dead walked the earth, missing their loved ones. To appease the unfortunate souls, it was necessary to sprinkle ashes on the grave and say: “Do not enter the courtyard, orphan souls!” But go to the west side, there you will have eternal joy.” Signs of the weather: If the weather is clear and there is no wind, spring will come early and will be quite warm; The tits behave restlessly in the morning – winter plans are dragging on; There is a clear sunset in the sky – frost will soon come. Name days are celebrated by: Arkady, Arseny, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Hilarion, Joseph, Clement, Maria, Peter, Semyon, Fyodor, Philip.

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