five tips to help optimize your time. • Russia today

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Everyone wants to do as much as possible, but, unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. What to do when you don’t have enough time? There are several simple and effective ways to optimize your time and become more productive. They were described in more detail in the magazine Plan ahead If you want to get more done, plan every day. Make a detailed to-do list, keep it handy and check it before going to bed and after waking up. Be sure to include in your list not only things to do, but also time for relaxation. Because without proper rest, you will quickly lose even the strongest motivation. Diary.© Set deadlines If you have problems with self-organization and you often start putting things off until later, learn to set deadlines for all important and unimportant things. Solve small tasks that take a few minutes to complete quickly, without procrastination. But, if the task requires more time, distribute it as realistically as possible, taking into account possible force majeure circumstances and rest. Eliminate distractions. One of the most important elements of time optimization is the ability to focus on the task at hand. This can be helped by eliminating any factors that distract you from work – noise from the window, communication with colleagues, scrolling through your feed on social networks, etc. Smartphone.© Break large tasks into small ones Breaking large tasks into several small ones not only will help structure your actions, but will also improve brain function and help avoid procrastination. The main thing is not to spend too much time on this process, otherwise there will not be enough time for the most important things. Prioritization Some people put other people’s affairs above their own, and therefore often do not have time to complete their plans. Don’t do it like this. It’s important to learn to prioritize and say no if you don’t have time to deal with the other person’s problems. “No.” ©

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