Fishermen swept away in the Sea of ​​Japan were found by rescuers in the north of Primorye and brought ashore (VIDEO) – rewritten version

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Tonight, in the Dalnegorsky district of Primorye, two fishermen who were thrown into the open Sea of ​​Japan were rescued. The call came in at 8.03pm on Friday 10 November and they were rescued by midnight. Employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that two men went fishing, but their ship found itself without fuel 7 kilometers from the coast, opposite Lidovka Bay, and began to drift further into the water area. The rescue operation took place in conditions of strong winds and rough seas, with temperatures below zero. However, employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations were able to take the boat in tow and deliver the fishermen to the mainland by midnight. They did not require any medical assistance and refused it.

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