Fire evacuation drills held at Chekhov Lyceum No. 4 – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Fire evacuation drills were held at Lyceum No. 4 in Chekhov 360.ruToday 20:41 Photo: Press service of the Chekhov urban district administration Employees of the ChekhovSpas emergency rescue team held a lesson on “Basics of Life Safety” for schoolchildren of Lyceum No. 4. During the practical part of the lesson, students and teachers practiced evacuation actions in the event of a fire. As part of the “Safety Month”, a safety event was organized for students of the eighth and eleventh grades of Lyceum No. 4 in the city of Chekhov. . Rescuers showed the schoolchildren emergency rescue equipment and held a demonstration lesson on “Basics of Life Safety”. Teachers and students of the secondary school practiced behavior skills during a fire. Together with ChekhovSpas specialists, they worked out an evacuation scenario in the event of an emergency. News from the Moscow region can be discussed in SuperChat 360. Today 20:41 Fire evacuation drills held at Chekhov Lyceum #4 Today 20:28 Director of Belgorod State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company confirmed hospitalization of military commander Korobov Today 20:23 President of Kazakhstan Tokayev called Russia invincible on the battlefield Today 20:21 Water purification equipment production workshop to be built in Dubna by end of 2025 Today 20:16 Scholz decided to find cheap work in Central Asia Today 20:10 A crowd of migrants with machetes and equipment attacked a hunting family in France. Online publication is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media. Registration number: EL No. FS 77 – 87272 dated 04.22.2024 18+ Founder of the media: Joint-Stock Company “TV Channel 360”. Editor-in-Chief N.A. Murygina Email address:, phone: +7 495 990-98-98 All rights reserved © JSC “TV Channel 360”, 2024 Any use of materials is permitted only under the terms of the User Agreement. Agreement on quoting materials “360” The views and opinions of the authors do not always coincide with the point of view of the editors. Privacy Policy regarding cookies when processing data. All rights reserved © JSC “TV Channel 360”, 2024 Some publications may contain information that is not intended for users under 18 years of age. Design by Art. Lebedev Studio Project information

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