Expert Sharikov explained how the American elections will affect relations with Russia

Posting in CHAT: Russia

On June 28, a pre-election televised debate took place between current US President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump. However, for Russia the results of the conversation are not important. He spoke about this on Saturday, June 29, in an interview with the newspaper “Moscow Region Today”: “It doesn’t matter who holds the position of president. Other factors also influence: the balance of party power in Congress and the government, as well as the priorities that candidates pursue and declare, Sharikov’s words to the Moscow Region Today convey. The expert also noted that Russia remains the main force. International relations depend on what priorities the state will have and what foreign policy it will adhere to in televised debates. In turn, Biden’s supporters, in a panic, suggested changing his candidacy by discussing with an expert whether the Democrats had any. a worthy replacement for Biden and how great are his chances of continuing the race for the presidency.

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