Eurovision has come to Satanism. Sergey Khudiev – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Eurovision has firmly turned into a parade of freaks – where there are still men who look like men and women who look like women, but they already look like strangers in this crowd… no, not from life, but from something completely different. At Eurovision these days it’s hard to stand out as a fool, almost everyone there is a freak, but the Irish participant, a “non-binary witch” who performs under the pseudonym Bamby Thug, managed to do it. Her act was oversaturated with references to the occult and Satanism and was practically a spiritualistic seance right on stage. I still remember the times when the Eurovision Song Contest was an important element of Western soft power. In general, “Melodies and Rhythms of Foreign Pop,” as it was called then, had a hypnotic effect on the late Soviet teenager – there were men whom one wanted to be like (much more than “heroes of shocking constructions”), and very beautiful women, which aroused romantic melancholy in the soul of the Komsomol (with an unmistakable anti-Soviet smell). And they lived their bright, shiny, glamorous lives. But now all this has been swept away by the sands of time, and Eurovision has firmly turned into a parade of madmen, where men who look like men and women who look like women still meet, but already look like strangers at this festival. . no, not life, but something completely different. Ireland was the subject of a very remarkable fascination about fifteen years ago, when many discovered a spiritual kinship between Russian melancholy and Celtic sadness and even began to learn Gaelic – without any practical need, simply for the love of art. Ireland is known as a country with a distinctive and very interesting musical culture, which has spread throughout the world and is performed by artists of various origins – including Russians – in all countries. This music ranges from cheerful tavern dances to mesmerizingly tender and lyrical melodies glorifying first love or the beauty of the native island. As someone half-jokingly remarked: “The Irish are always homesick, even when they are in Ireland.” All in all, Ireland will have something to present at the international song competition. The second thing that was known about Ireland was that it was a land of deep faith. The Constitution of which begins with the solemn invocation of the Holy Trinity and the confession of faith in Christ. Irish Catholics were severely discriminated against under British rule, but this only strengthened their devotion to the faith of their fathers. And here comes a singer from Ireland, musically presenting faceless pop music in which it is difficult to see at least something Irish, and in content openly flirting with Satanism. At the same time, for her, the occult is not just a stage picture, but a living personal conviction. She even claims that the lyrics of her songs contain magical spells. The performer herself names the genre in which she performs spiritual pop music. The Ouija is a Ouija board you might have seen in horror movies, and the host defines her religious beliefs as “neopagan witchcraft” and practices “blood magic.” Of course, flirtations with Satanism in Western pop music are far from new. But before it had the character of teenage rebellion and a challenge to the values ​​of their parents. Now Satanism has become something completely respectable, leading to success in society, and this represents a huge cultural change. There are several reasons for this change. First, the politically progressive forces that promote pregnant men and bearded women not only as the norm, but as mandatory norms, are happy to show their conservative and often religious opponents any opportunity. On the one hand, they are atheists, on the other hand, they see Satan as an important mythological symbol of rebellion against the “oppression” of a culture formed by the worship of the Christian God. Ideology, which in recent years has come to be called awakened, from English. “Woke” calls on audiences to “wake up” and realize how unjust and oppressive the civilization created by white, straight men is. And since the support of this civilization is Christianity, a demonstrative flirtation with what is the highest evil in the Christian picture of the world looks like a completely natural step. Secondly, the professional need of representatives of the entertainment industry to constantly do something scandalous and provocative – otherwise they will simply be forgotten about. The problem, however, is that the level of scandal must be constantly increased – competitors are putting pressure, and in general, we already saw such abysses of sodomy last season. Now we serve more deeply. This will inevitably require Satanism as a business technique. Thirdly, the general decline of rationality – and the growth of a kind of quasi-religiosity. Ardent atheists such as Richard Dawkins are still too attached to the Christian heritage. They believe that the truth is important; that a person must find out how things really are, what is real and what is not, and live by the truth. An atheist of the old school – the same Dawkins – would never jump into a pentagram. For the modern world, truth is no longer important, and any religion acts as a tool. Christianity is clearly contrary to the agenda that Western media elites would like to promote – well, they will promote “neopagan witchcraft.” Not because they believe in spirits that can be summoned or are willing to make a pact with Satan. They don’t believe in anything. But simply because it better suits their goals. On the other hand, perhaps the same thing applies to the use of Christianity as a tool of propaganda and manipulation, when people turn to it not because it is true, but because it seemed useful at the time. Charles Baudelaire once observed that “the devil’s greatest trick is to convince you that he does not exist.” His even greater trick is to convince us that there is no truth – or truth is not important. Of course, after watching Bambi Thug’s video, it’s easy to fall into complacency – they have Satanists there, and we have Holy Rus’. But if we take the Christian worldview seriously and recognize the reality of God and His adversary, then we must realize that Satan has many tricks. What helps him a lot is the naive belief that he can deceive anyone, but not us. But Satan is resourceful enough to throw everyone a hook that he will bite, and to lure people into serious and unrepentant sins with tricks that will work specifically with them. Therefore, understanding that the enemy of our salvation is real and that some people foolishly invite him upon themselves should encourage not complacency, but caution regarding one’s own motives and decisions – what the Orthodox tradition calls “sobriety.” As the Apostle Peter says, “Be sober and watchful, for your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Sergey Khudiev

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