Escapes from Russian colonies have alarmed the Prosecutor General’s Office – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 04 07 2024, 10:50 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost/Alexander Loginov The Prosecutor General’s Office made a proposal to the Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service in connection with the increase in the number of escapes from judicial institutions. The supervisory body conducted an inspection of the implementation of departmental control of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia over the activities of prison institutions. The reason for this was the increase in the number of escapes committed by convicts in colonial settlements, RIA Novosti reports. Recall that the “scumbags” of Murmashi received 4 years in prison. Read also: Emotional resident of Severomorsk will answer for her words To be the first to know about the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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