Enterprises of the Samara branch of T Plus have entered the peak of the repair campaign

Publication in CHAT: Russia

17.07.2024 17:40 TOGLIATTI. JULY 17. LATEST NEWS. Read: 298 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter At the Togliatti CHPP of the Samara branch of PJSC T Plus, an intermediate repair of an electric boiler with a capacity of 420 tons of steam per hour was carried out. and a turbo unit with a capacity of 100 MW was built. The work was carried out as part of the planned preparation for the 2024-2025 heating season. In general, the enterprises of the Samara branch of T Plus have now entered the peak of the repair campaign, which is proceeding according to the approved schedule. Currently, major and medium repairs are being carried out on three turbo units, as well as four boiler units with a total capacity of 1,370 tons of steam per hour. All work is being carried out according to schedule. Latest news

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