Endocrinologist Yatsishina said that dehydration can interfere with weight loss

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Endocrinologist at the European Medical Center (EMC) Olga Yatsishina said that one of the invisible reasons slowing down the weight loss process is dehydration. Lenta.ru reports this. According to the specialist, insufficient water consumption during the day worsens a person’s emotional and physical state, which leads to deterioration in control over food intake and concentration. Because of this, a person begins to eat more and often includes junk food in his diet. In addition, lack of water slows down your metabolism and fat burning process. At the same time, the endocrinologist emphasized that in obese people, the need for fluid is noticeably higher than in people of normal weight. However, the doctor added that dehydration is not directly related to the amount of fatty tissue in the body, since the amount of fat depends on dietary habits, especially the amount of salt and fiber in a person’s diet. Earlier, medical expert of the Gemotest laboratory Ekaterina Demyanovskaya explained in which cases it is better to refuse to drink mineral water. According to the expert, mineral water is not a medicine, but depending on its composition it can have a healing effect.

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