Endocrinologist Pavlova explained that it is better not to eat for breakfast • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

More details: https://crimea-news.com/society/2023/11/23/1240599.html
Thursday, November 23. “Crimea 24”.

A good figure and overall well-being largely depend on your diet, but people often make mistakes during breakfast. The most popular of them are unbalanced nutrition and excess fat. Endocrinologist and doctor of medical sciences Zukhra Pavlova told the St. Petersburg Diary how fried bacon and orange juice for breakfast are harmful to health and figure.

“You need vegetables or a piece of bread with cottage cheese and kefir (protein). Then the feeling of satiety will be more complete,” the doctor noted.

She advises avoiding juice for breakfast, because such drinks contain a lot of sugar, which makes you hungry and contributes to weight gain.

It is also better to avoid fried bacon in the morning. This product contains many components that accelerate aging.

#news of Crimea #lentanovosteykryma #Crimea
Thursday, November 23. “Crimea 24”. A good figure and overall well-being largely depend on your diet, but people often make mistakes during breakfast. The most popular of them are unbalanced nutrition and excess fat. Endoc https://crimea-news.com/society/2023/11/23/1240599.html

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