Employees of the Investigative Committee organized an excursion for children on the eve of Russia Day

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Samara, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Samara Region organized an excursion for young army soldiers from school No. 68 to the historical multimedia park “Russia – My History”. The event took place as part of the patriotic education of youth and on the eve of the celebration of Russia Day, which is celebrated on June 12. Photo: provided by the author According to the staff of the Investigative Commission, the children decided to provide interesting information about the formation of the state in the post-war years and the acquisition of sovereignty. In addition, the goal was to increase interest in Russian history. Young soldiers, together with police officers, visited a multimedia exhibition related to the history of the twentieth century: “1945-2016 – My History.” It is dedicated to the main events of the post-war period: the role of political leaders in shaping the development of the country in different periods of time, the first manned flight into space, the creation of the institution of the presidency, and others. . Most of the exhibition is devoted to the role of Samara and its residents in the development of the state. For example, here you can learn many interesting facts about rocket science and airplanes. The guide also does not shy away from the details of the rejection of Stalin’s personality cult, the construction of the famous “Khrushchev” buildings, famine and the fight against it. Moreover, thanks to the multimedia screens at the exhibition, anyone can “help” with landscaping the area—trees appear on the screen if you move your hands. To the credit of the young army men themselves, they teach history and can correctly answer the tour guide’s rather difficult questions. This is not the first time Samara investigators have organized excursions for local schoolchildren. In 2023, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Samara Region, on the eve of the Training Day of the Forensic-Criminalistic Service, organized an excursion program for the children of department employees and students of the State Budget Educational Institution SOO. School No. 18 named after. V.A. Mamista Novokuibyshevsk to the museum of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region with material evidence of the forensic technology of the investigative department. The exhibitions of this museum reflect different periods of the existence of the police – from its inception to the present day. Last news

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