Elk caused damage to state property in the Murmansk region [видеозапись]

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News | 17 11 2023, 22:39 | SeverPost Video: Telegram / “Pas” Nature Reserve / Ivan Dorosh In the “Pass” Nature Reserve, an elk damaged a camera trap during the rut – he opened the device and cut off the battery wires. The “crime” occurred on September 22. A month later, backup personnel came to collect data and discovered a malfunction.
“The video captures a male during the rut – the breeding season of moose, which occurs in September-October (according to average data from camera traps). During the rutting period, moose are very aggressive, the peak of hostility lasts from approximately September 15 to October 30. Males often fight fiercely with each other and can also attack humans. In this case, the camera trap and power supply were damaged,” said Ivan Dorosh, head of the Pasvik Nature scientific department. Reserve. An adult elk made a “rutting hole” with its hooves, as males do during the rutting period in places where the female left her “mark.” At some point, the moose noticed the camera trap. We will remind you that the Murmansk court confiscated a deer skin from Finland from a Russian woman Read also: Northerners gave a disabled person an all-terrain stroller To be the first to know the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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