Ekaterinburg Zoo’s resident monkey Ron Weasley celebrates his birthday

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Today, the Yekaterinburg Zoo celebrates the birthday of two-year-old Ron Weasley, a young marmot named Geoffrey after a character from the Harry Potter book series. Photo: Yekaterinburg Zoo As reported earlier, Ron came to Yekaterinburg a year ago from Moscow, and at the same time, four-year-old Hermione arrived from Novosibirsk. In April, the couple had two adorable babies. “Ron is an active and inquisitive male who explores everything around him with interest,” the zoo’s press service noted. Ron’s diet mainly consists of fruits, leafy vegetables, insects, cereals, cottage cheese and chicken, and his favorite delicacies are grapes and watermelon. Geoffroy’s monkeys are endemic to Brazil and are one of the smallest primates. Their body length is about 20 cm, the tail is about 29 cm. Males weigh from 230 to 250 grams, but the smallest individuals can weigh only 100 grams and reach a length of 13 cm. These primates are active during the day of their life in trees, usually in groups of 8-10 individuals. They are sociable and playful, so they are especially interesting to watch. Ron, Hermione and their offspring can be seen on the second floor of the South Pavilion. It should be noted that Ron and Hermione are not the only inhabitants of the zoo with literary names. For example, the oldest male badger is called Frodo, and one of his cubs is called Bilbo.

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