Edgar Zapashny spoke about his connection with Putin • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

People’s Artist of the Russian Federation and representative of the coaching dynasty Edgar Zapashny said that he and his brother Askold are ready to become confidants of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The celebrity wrote about this on her microblog. “The presidential administration called: my brother and I confirmed our readiness to become proxies of Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,” wrote Edgar Zapashny in his Telegram channel. On December 25, musician Yaroslav Dronov, better known under his creative pseudonym SHAMAN, announced that he had become a confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On January 2, Russian singer and businessman Timati supported the decision of the current Russian President Vladimir Putin to run for election in 2024. On December 8, Vladimir Putin announced his participation in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, which will be held in March 2024. The next day, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Andrei Turchak announced the start of elections. formation of the group of voters required by law On January 1, the acceptance of documents of candidates for the post of President of Russia from political parties ended.

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