Don’t even think about serving this fish: you shouldn’t eat this fish at all.

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Fish is an important source of protein and other nutrients for humans, but it can also contain harmful organisms such as parasites. Parasites can be acquired from fish through water, food, or other fish. They can cause a variety of illnesses in humans, including gastrointestinal infections, allergic reactions, and even serious organ damage. One of the most common types of parasites found in fish is called diphyllobothriasis. This is a worm that can reach a length of up to 10 meters and lives in the intestines of fish. If a person eats infected fish without proper treatment, they can become a host to this parasite. This leads to symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Another type of parasite that is often found in fish is called opisthorchiasis. This parasite causes a disease called opisthorchiasis, which is characterized by damage to the liver and bile ducts. Opisthorchiasis is transmitted to humans by eating raw or undercooked fish. In addition, some types of fish may contain other types of parasites, such as flukes and cestodes. Flukes cause a disease called schistosomiasis, which can cause serious damage to internal organs. Cestodes can cause diseases such as diphyllobothriasis and taeniasis. To avoid the risk of parasite infection, the fish must be prepared. It is recommended to boil, fry or bake fish until its temperature reaches 63 degrees Celsius. You should also avoid eating raw or lightly salted fish. Some fish species are more susceptible to parasites than others. For example, carp fish (crucian carp, bream, roach) often contain parasites. Additionally, saltwater fish such as salmon and trout may also contain parasites. Therefore, before eating any fish, it is necessary to carefully check it for parasites and cook it properly. Experts have compiled a list of fish that are best excluded from your diet to avoid becoming victims of infected marine life: wild. slab mackerel;

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