Don’t be lazy to “finish off” those slandering the Russian Federation with arguments. “Candidate” Duntsova (whom “Puten was afraid of”) and local “legend” Sergei Kharin. Accountant

Posting in CHAT: Russia

I had a verbal battle here with one of the local “legends” Sergei Kharin. The fact that Ostashko is not in the video goes without saying. It’s unlikely that Kharin has minus 10 vision. Some ordinary liberal blogger is interviewing Ekaterina Duntsova. She was then denied access to collecting hundreds of thousands of signatures. Because she failed the work of several hundred even her comrades. But in principle I agree that the VK video is of a poor (small) format. And very short. And the source is not indicated. And theoretically we can assume that this is editing. Let’s say they took the presenter’s question about an error, and then inserted Duntsova’s answer to some other question. Nonsense of course. But theoretically it is possible. And I would like to put a clear end to those who slander the Russian Federation, its society, legal system and state institutions. Besides, I just like winning arguments directly. By knockout, not by points. This means I had to search for the original full video. Without knowing the name of the leading blogger. Long story short, I found it. Here is Duntsova’s long interview with liberal blogger Kolezev (200+ thousand subscribers) What I said was confirmed. And even received an award. Overall the interview was very kind and respectful. Well, this is understandable – it’s hard to expect anything else on liberal YouTube channels. And yet, the presenter allowed himself for a few seconds (apparently for minimal drama) at least a few awkward questions and meaningful quotes. So 9 minutes 28 seconds (Host) Tell me, the person who, as I understand it, was responsible for holding the initiative group, as I understand it, is Peter Karmanov. I was simply told about him as a person who, in fact, was an employee or active supporter of Maxim Katz and continues to be his supporter. And, if I understood correctly from the messages that were from the Central Election Commission, there was even a mistake made in his passport number. Is this really so or not – (Duntsova) Yes, a typo – (Host) Typo..uh-hmm. Is this person somehow connected to Katz? That is, you got it from Maxim Katz or somehow appeared on its own. How did this even happen? – (Duntsova) No, he was originally on the team. Now Maxim Katz is not in Russia – (Host) Yes. You just said that you and Katz are in contact. You said in your interviews. You said you were corresponding. Maybe he offered you someone as a lawyer – (Duntsova) No, he appeared without the patronage of Maxim – (Host) Ekaterina, I also want to quote Stanislav Andreychuk to you, he is the co-chairman of the “Voice” movement (for liberals who have something- something like the Central Control Commission for party workers from the times of the USSR – approx. materials that were shown at a meeting of the Central Election Commission and were not refuted by the candidate, the refusal to register the initiative group is JUSTIFIED There are a LOT of errors and they are CHILDREN. Their presence can be explained by the lack of the required number of quality lawyers (for those who wants to be president – Ch. Shch.), lack of time (did you get enough sleep? The trustees woke you up late – the accused? – Ch. Shch.) or self-sabotage, the candidate’s reluctance to actually participate in the elections – (continues the presenter) Well, a rather sharp comment from “ Golos”. Well, as I understand it, you explain what happened by the lack of lawyers. – (Duntsova) Now you can say whatever you want. I have a counter question: where are you (apparently, we are talking about the association “Golos” – approx. Shch.) were now criticized in hindsight. Where were you when you were needed? You can also help. Every. I have no further comments. Well, that’s all for real. Then they discuss her political views. This is a pure knockout, in my opinion. Of course, I had to spend half an hour searching for the video and “deciphering” this dirt, but the issue is closed. And with the slandered pot (at the same time presenting opals as holy sacrifices) Seryozha Kharin and with “Duntsova they were not allowed to enter.” It’s disgusting to see how an opponent turns on, telling nonsense that “Puten was afraid of Duntsova’s competition.” the fool has not been discussing all these facts for a month now, but has been discussing 100,500 times a striking detail about a painting by one of the members of the initiative group, who signed with the face of a cat. And that, one must assume, they found fault with this, but it was proven that this was her real signature (she even put a cat’s face in her passport). So this is manipulation. It’s NOT that it’s been debunked. And because of real errors (“typos” in Duntsova’s vocabulary) in the data of other members of the initiative group. In addition, Duntsova herself, in other interviews, admitted to mistakes in the plural in passport numbers and full names (who will argue, I can easily find the video and rub it in my face). But it is in this interview that Duntsova clearly admits that the notary certified incorrect passport data even for the leader of the initiative group of voters. Sergei Kharin, when he saw that I had found factual information (even if it was of poor quality and not from the original source), had to be careful. And we begin to lay out the straw. Didn’t he really understand that if he started being rude and slandering (accusing me of lying and making things up), it would encourage me to find the original source and actually apply it. In the end, this is what happened. Moreover, I have now learned (and the AC audience of many thousands) that the refusal of the Central Election Commission was considered justified and even the liberal association “Golos” considered the work of a group of Duntsova’s associates shameful. Now, when you come across a mention in a dispute that “they were removed due to fear of competition,” you are looking at the arguments of the liberals themselves. That it was either a mess due to the mediocrity of Duntsova and her associates, or a deliberate unauthorized execution of a desperate candidate (a legitimate “holy victim”). And if a person who could not sensibly draw up documents for at least several hundred of his closest associates (we are not talking about thousands of supporters) were allowed to collect signatures and, especially, elections, this would mean wiping off the spit. into the legal system of the state and its institutions. And now about Sergei Kharin… Let me once again draw your attention to the fact that we are talking about the stage of signatures of members of the initiative group of voters. And absolutely NOT about the next stage – the massive collection of hundreds of thousands of signatures (for those who are not from the party). At the second stage, even random people who DO NOT want to see you as president, but, for example, just want more competition and are not against your participation, can join. It is clear that among hundreds of thousands of signatures there can and will be numerous errors – but this is ALLOWED by law and there is even a certain percentage of signatures that may be invalid. It is clear that anything can happen with a dirty harvest. And it counts. But we are now talking about the stage of processing documents for a narrow circle of people – several hundred, in fact, employees. And not being able (not wanting to because of provocation and hype) to do without chaos, even between yourself and friends, is grumpy. Not a political fight. Accountant

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